Thor’s Guide on Intermittent Fasting

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Nutrition CR Exercise

16h fast

Tightly controlled and individual (macronutrient and calorie cycling in synch with training schedule

Heavily supplemented


Heavy strength training (barbells)

Warrior Diet

20h fast*

Paleo-style (“pre-agricultural”) food; main meal to be consumed in the evening


Controlled fatigue training (army-style metcon / strength-endurance?)

Alternate Day

24h fast
24h off

ADF is a generic protocol that works with all kinds of underlying diets

It is likely to be calorie-restrictive unless the off-days are binge days, which is not likely.

VS n/a


24h fast
1-2x per week

There is no particular recommendation as to what to eat, other than not to compensate for the missed meals; basically ESE is a calorie restriction diet

The 24h fasting period can start at any point, eg 6pm-6pm


Resistance training 3x per week, potentially supplemented by some interval training for weight loss

Biweekly Fast

24-36h fast

Once per 2 weeks

BWF is a generic protocol that works with all kinds of underlying diets

It is likely to be slightly calorie-restrictive unless the off-days are binge days, which is not likely.

M n/a


~12-16h fast

No water during fasting period

Fast is broken with dates and water, otherwise few restrictions on food and drink to be consumed

N n/a

* The Warrior Diet allows some snacks during the fasting period
** But only for limited periods throughout the year
CR: Calorie restriction: (V)S = (Very) Strong; M = Moderate; N = Not significant

One thought on “Thor’s Guide on Intermittent Fasting

  1. Fasting to lose weight is really a sure fired technique to lose weight if you keep up the willpower to fast, but it can be dangerous should you do too much of it or do it in the wrong fashion. Fasting to lose weight can cause organ injury, loss of muscle mass and heart failure. So if you’ve been thinking about fasting to shed pounds, a 3 day fast is the most you ought to ever do and you should use the following safeguards.

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